There was a jungle of vegetation choking the farm when we first took possession. We had a knowledgeable local crew in to trim trees, and replant when necessary. They managed to save the magnificent grove of old oak trees that stands at next to the farmhouse. Weeds and vines were removed. We were given instructions on how to trim and care for the masses of climbing roses that surround many of the buildings.

We added some beehives, a chicken coop, and an herb and vegetable garden.
All the roads were re-paved after adequate drainage was added. Stone walls and buildings were sandblasted and treated for mold. Then the old cattle fencing was replaced with four-board hardwood fence, with dual lean-tos for protection from the elements. Solar panels on the lean-to roofs provide electricity for the hot wire that tops every fence.
And, finally, the farmhouse was remodeled. The fixtures and appliances were modernized and the windows and doors replaced, but it still retains its charm.